
Emacs Lisp Introduction for Python Programmers

emacs lisp tech python

This is a brief introduction to Emacs Lisp for Python programmers, (although I am not an Elisp expert, and actually I am more familiar with Python than Elisp). Both languages have quite different syntaxes, it is interesting to see how can implement Python code with lisp code. The content follows the strucutre from Learn X in Y Minutes Where X is Python, and we will touch all the topics. Primitive Datatypes and Operators Numbers Python # Integer 1 # Float 3.

Emacs Essentials

emacs tech

It is a steep learning curve to master Emacs lisp, there are mainly two issues in it from my experience the lisp syntax and functional programming the fragmented methods and libraries For the 1st issue, it is easy to master the syntax after writing several programs and getting used to them, but for the 2nd one, one needs to take notes or remember something. In this blog, I focus on the 2nd point and keep updating the notes of some methods and libraries that I think are essential for writing Emacs lisp packages.