
Asyncio By Example: Implementing the Producer-Consumer Pattern

python coroutine tech

The Most Basic Case With corountines, we can define a produer and consumer without any need for threads. This simplifies our code and makes it more efficient. import asyncio async def producer(): for i in range(6): await asyncio.sleep(0.2) yield i async def consumer(): async for i in producer(): print(i) async def main(): await asyncio.gather(consumer()) 0 1 2 3 4 5 Work with Heavy IO When working with heavy IO operations, we need to be careful not to block the event loop.

Emacs Lisp Introduction for Python Programmers

emacs lisp tech python

This is a brief introduction to Emacs Lisp for Python programmers, (although I am not an Elisp expert, and actually I am more familiar with Python than Elisp). Both languages have quite different syntaxes, it is interesting to see how can implement Python code with lisp code. The content follows the strucutre from Learn X in Y Minutes Where X is Python, and we will touch all the topics. Primitive Datatypes and Operators Numbers Python # Integer 1 # Float 3.

Best Practices for Python Programming (Continuously Updated)

python tech

When delving into the codebases of some successful large Python projects such as PyTorch, I am consistently impressed by their code – whether it’s clean yet precise, or leveraging lesser-known built-in or third-party packages to significantly enhance functionality.

High-quality code snippets, handy packages, and modules have greatly facilitated my work. In this blog, I’ll be sharing noteworthy findings and insights learned from the open-source codebase.